The Mercy Health Whistleblower Hotline
The Mercy Health Whistleblower Hotline is an independent service run by Stopline that gives you the opportunity to report serious wrongdoing by Mercy Health and its officers, employees, and agents – anonymously if you wish.
The kinds of wrongdoing that should be reported through this service are:
- Whistleblower disclosures made under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth);
- Allegations of corrupt conduct in Mercy Health’s public sector services;
- Reports of modern slavery practices in Mercy Health’s operations and supply chain;
- Allegations of human rights abuses within Mercy Health;
- Allegations against workers or volunteers of child abuse and misconduct involving children;
- Complaints of victimisation arising from the making of a complaint to Mercy Health, or under the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth) or National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth).
Other complaints may be made locally or to Mercy Health’s Feedback team.
Statutory obligations
This service supports Mercy Health in complying with its statutory obligations to receive and respond to complaints about serious wrongdoing. See the list of relevant legislation under Mercy Health below.
Public sector disclosures
If your disclosure relates to corrupt or serious improper conduct by Mercy Health, its employees and agents when acting as part of the public sector, you may wish to make your disclosure to:
- Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (Vic)
- Independent Commission Against Corruption (NSW)
- Corruption and Crime Commission (WA)
For further information see Further Information – disclosures under state legislation.
Stopline has been at the forefront of disclosure management services for over a decade and has partnered with some of Australia’s most iconic companies to assist them in demonstrating their commitment to supporting staff, contractors and other stakeholders with demonstrable best practice corporate governance initiatives.
The service that Stopline provides includes:
- A dedicated hotline number, website, mail and email address for employees, contractors and others to report serious wrongdoing
- Expert forensic investigators taking the calls and analysing disclosures.
- Timely reporting of incidents to dedicated representatives within Mercy Health.
Mercy Health
Mercy Health is a Catholic not-for-profit organisation that provides a range of health, aged and community care services to communities in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Western Australia and Queensland, as summarised below:
Corporate Structure
Mercy Health is comprised of Mercy Health Australia Ltd and its subsidiaries, as illustrated in the following diagram:

The membership of the Boards of all of the companies that make up Mercy Health, other than Mercy Health Foundation Ltd, is concurrent. Mercy Health Foundation – which seeks philanthropic support for the work of Mercy Health – has a separate Board of Directors.
The services that Mercy Health provides are summarised in the following table:
Mercy Hospitals Victoria Ltd Mercy Hospital for Women Werribee Mercy Hospital O’Connell Family Centre Mercy Mental Health |
Providing acute hospital care, mental health programs, specialist women’s and newborns’ health, early parenting education and support, and in-patient palliative care services as part of the Victorian public health system. |
Mercy Hospitals NSW Ltd Mercy Care Centre Young Mercy Health Service Albury |
Providing subacute hospital care as part of the New South Wales public health system. |
Mercy Aged and Community Care Ltd & Rice Village Ltd ”Mercy Place” residential aged care |
Providing residential aged care under the Aged Care Act in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. |
Mercy Aged and Community Care Ltd Seniors living |
Providing retirement village and low-cost housing for the elderly. |
Mercy Aged and Community Care Ltd Home and community care |
Providing support to older people who have a range of needs, to help them stay at living as independently as possible in their own homes. Providing home care packages under the Aged Care Act, services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme, services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program, and services to veterans and others. |
Mercy Hospitals Victoria Ltd & Mercy Palliative Care Ltd Palliative care |
Providing specialist care to the dying in the community (Mercy Palliative Care Ltd) and in the Gabrielle Jennings Centre at Werribee Mercy Hospital (Mercy Hospitals Victoria Ltd) . |
Relevant Legislation
Corporations Act
Mercy Health has a Whistleblower Policy and Procedure as required under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). These are attached. We consider that disclosures could be made in accordance with the Corporations Act in respect of any entity within the structure.
State Public Sector Anti-corruption Legislation
In addition, where a disclosure concerns a state-funded service in Victoria, New South Wales or Western Australia, whistleblower protections that are available under State law may also apply.
Aged Care Act
Complaints arising from the care we provide to residents under the Aged Care Act should be made locally or to our Feedback team. However, where you believe that you or another person has been victimised for making such a complaint, you can raise that matter through this website.
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Complaints arising from the care we provide to residents under the National Disability Insurance Scheme should be made locally or to our Feedback team. However, where you believe that you or another person has been victimised for making such a complaint, you can raise that matter through this website.
Modern Slavery Act
Finally, Mercy Health is looking to improve the operation of its anti-slavery efforts by giving people throughout the operations and supply chains of Mercy Health an opportunity to provide feedback about modern slavery practices in a safe way.
Table of Legislation
Business Area to which the disclosure relates | Relevant Legislation/Scheme |
All services |
All services provided by Mercy Health entities are subject to the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). See Further Information – disclosures under the Corporations Act for more information. |
All services | All services provided by Mercy Health entities are subject to the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). |
Victoria – Health Services / Mental Health / Palliative Care |
Services provided by Mercy Hospitals Victoria Ltd (including Mercy Mental Health) and Mercy Palliative Care are subject to the provisions of the Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (Vic). See Further Information – disclosures under state legislation for more information. |
NSW – Health Services |
Services provided by Mercy Hospitals NSW Ltd (Mercy Health Service Albury and Mercy Care Centre Young) are subject to the provisions of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994 (NSW). See Further Information – disclosures under state legislation for more information. |
WA – Social Housing |
The provision of social housing at Mercy Place – Villa Maria, and Mercy Place – Edgewater in Western Australia is subject to the provisions of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (WA). See Further Information – disclosures under state legislation for more information. |
Home Care Services provided under the National Disability Insurance Scheme |
Services provided under the National Disability Insurance Scheme are subject to the provisions of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth). Complaints should be made to Mercy Health or to the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission in the first instance. If you believe that you have been victimised for making a complaint, you may bring that to our attention through this service. |
Aged Care |
Aged Care services are subject to the provisions of the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth). Complaints should be made to Mercy Health or to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission in the first instance. If you believe that you have been victimised for making a complaint, you may bring that to our attention through this service. |